“The 2013 Concrete Quality Excellence Award, less than $20 million goes to Golden Triangle Construction Company, Imperial PA, for their Charles Town Route 9 Bypass, Charles Town in Jefferson County,” Snyder said. “The $13.2 million project involved approximately 3 miles of four lane of cement concrete paving with shoulders. The project used an accelerated schedule of five, 10-hour shifts to six, 10-hours shifts in order to keep schedule. “
The project also used stringless technology and the subbase and the cement treated permeable base was placed using an ABG Hi-Density Paver. This provided 90-95 percent compaction prior to placing a smooth drum roller to compact the material. The roll down to achieve the proper compaction was minimized, causing the grade to be much more accurate. The notice to proceed was given February 4, 2012. The September 30 completion date was moved to November 14 due to a weather delay from Hurricane Sandy. CAWV material suppliers include Aggregate Industries and Essroc.