Project Updates
The waterway permit for the start of the bridge replacement phase of the project was approved and work resumed on March 10, 2023. Excavation for the abutments has started with the abutments anticipated to be formed and poured over the next 1-3 weeks. At this time it is anticipated the bridge will be open to traffic in late spring or early summer.
Project Overview:
On September 9th, 2022, a truck collided with the wingwall of the single-lane stone arch bridge carrying SR 3082 (Clinton-Frankfort Road) over Potato Garden Run in Independence Township, Beaver County. This collision caused the masonry wingwall to collapse and caused damage to the headwall over the arch. Upon inspection, it was determined that the road needed to be closed and that the bridge would need to be replaced.
PennDOT obtained approval for emergency procurement, and the emergency contract with Golden Triangle Construction/Mackin Engineering has been executed to immediately begin design efforts and mobilize to remove the existing bridge.
$2,970,000 in federal funding has been obtained for the replacement of this critical link. The federal funds are a direct result of the additional funds made available in Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2022 and 2023 from the Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Law and will not impact any regionally funded projects.
The Clinton-Frankfort Road Bridge is classified as a minor collector and has an average daily traffic (ADT) volume of 1,519 vehicles per day. The replacement bridge will be 30 feet wide to carry two 11-foot wide lanes and 4-foot wide shoulders on each side. The proposed structure will be a rigid frame structure, which is made up of vertical abutment walls and a top slab, and riding surface. The alignment of the road will be changed slightly to improve the sight distance approaching the bridge. Molds and dye will be used to design the wingwalls to look like stone. In addition, the stream crossing will be brought up to current safety standards. The existing roadway is posted for a 10-ton weight limit, and this posting will not change once the bridge is replaced. In an effort to improve safety along the entire length of Clinton-Frankfort Road, larger weight limit signs and additional directional signs will be added to redirect trucks away from the Clinton-Frankfort Road bridge.