Owner: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Value: 12.5 million
Completion: Fall 2021
Scope of Project: Replacement of the structurally deficient and functionally obsolete Kenmawr Rd Bridge over the mainline tracks of the Norfolk Southern Railroad. The new structure will be raised to provide the necessary vertical clearance required for NS Railroad to run double-stacked trains beneath, as well as lengthened to include a second span to accommodate future expansion of the Port Authority’s East Busway. Prior to demolishing and replacing the existing structure however, a temporary bridge structure with sidewalk will be constructed to the west of the existing structure so as to maintain traffic through this busy corridor while the new bridge is being replaced. In addition to the bridge itself, the approach pavements, drainage, sanitary sewer, water line, curb ramps, guiderail, traffic signals, etc will also be replaced as part of this project.